Differentiated writing tasks

If practice is the key to improving literacy skills, English teaching is often an excercise in finding different ways to do the same thing: practising reading, writing and speaking. Certainly at Ticking Mind we think of our mission as one of giving teachers a range of strategies to implement explicit writing instruction and practice. Here’s…

Group work as an evidence based teaching strategy

Grease is no longer the word. It’s now the rather more long winded High Impact Teaching Strategies or Evidence Based Strategies. Because we’re suckers for educational trends at Ticking Mind, we’ll be talking HITs and EBRs at our annual round of English Graduate Days (Northcote, Ringwood, Shepparton) starting next week. One evidence based strategy we’ll…

The three step lesson plan

Next week we’ll be running our annual Crash Course In History for history teaching newbies (whether they’re fresh out of uni, or experienced teachers teaching history for the first time). Because we’ll be discussing a three step lesson plan which replicates what happens in an effective text response unit, we thought we’d share this simple…