Macbeth is coming

In two weeks, we’ll be launching our new edition of Macbeth – Shakespeare’s Tragedy Macbeth and How To Write A Truly Impressive Essay On It. Like our previous version of Romeo and Juliet, this edition of Macbeth will scaffold students to think about the play at a language level, not just a plot level. It’s…

The gradual reduction of scaffolding

The best scaffolding procedures are implemented with the intent that eventually students will be able to do something on their own. In other words, there needs to be a plan as to how, over time, we’ll remove pieces of scaffolding to allow students to practice tasks with increasing independence. Here’s a very simple example that…

Using Prepositions to add extra detail

Often in class, we give students vocabulary lists with nouns or adjectives to help them develop the detail in their writing. However, one of the easiest ways for students to add detail to their writing is to use prepositions instead. This activity helps students practise using prepositions to create more interesting sentences. How to use…